My garden in spring, as I write this Im feeling rather down, we felt sure we had a buyer for our house, after 3 viewings, which leaves me exhausted as I have cleaned my self silly (or rather the house) and I absolutely hate, hate, hate housework I am dejected so thought Id take some photo's of my flowers. I have been looking at so many wonderful gardening blogs & the spring flowers are amazing & even the "fall" ones on the other side of the world look marvellous too, so this is me in the spring of 2011, not a whole lot flowering just yet, whether WA is behind or its just my garden (too shady perhaps) Im not sure.
Convolvulus cneorum (bush morning glory), this hardy little shrub gets by on minimal water.
Well that was weird, was half way through my post last night when the internet went down, so thought I would finish this morning, didnt even realise it had been published until I read Jackie's comment on my email (thanks Jackie). I do have a few more flowers other than the above, which I will now put below!

Russelia equisetiformis (coral plant)
I have a love/hate relationship with this plant, I hate it for most of the year & then it flowers & I love it. It is extremely hardy, but it tends to spread & self seed & then is extremely hard to get rid of, but the flowers on mass are gorgeous, must remind myself I do not want to plant this in my new garden!
Erigeron (seaside daisy)
This one also self seeds everywhere, but is easy to pull out & is a real little stalwart in the garden.
Genista (broom)
These plants have struggled on Perths sandy soils, they are hardy, but seem to need quite a bit to drink in the summer.

This one I call my Meckering geranium as my Dad originally struck it back in 1979 when we lived in Meckering, its a trailing geranium & I just love the hot pink blooms, hopefully I can get a piece to strike as its planted on my limestone wall & I would like to take it with me.