
"Breathe deep, fly high, seek peace"

"Breathe deep, fly high, seek peace"

-Skybax rider motto

Thursday 14 February 2013


I took this photo yesterday afternoon, we had a storm, unfortunately only 1ml of rain came of it, but the smells are always there, & I love to walk around the garden after a rain taking the in.

This area is full of very old rosemary & lavender bushes, I am going to take some rosemary cuttings& then pull them all out as we are going to place a small patch of lawn here.


  1. We had a storm last night too. Lots of thunder and lightening but unfortunately no rain either. The air was heavy with eucalyptus this morning. Thanks for your comment on my blog about the quilt. x

  2. I love the smell of rain on a warm day.
