
"Breathe deep, fly high, seek peace"

"Breathe deep, fly high, seek peace"

-Skybax rider motto

Sunday, 30 June 2013

What shrub is that?

This shrub is in the front garden & was almost dead when we arrived, back in January.
I pruned it severely, composted & mulched it, then watered it well.  It has come back beautifully, I didn't expect it to flower, but it has managed to push through a few, although I do wonder if it should be covered in blooms.  Any way I don't know what it is so will need to do some research to discover its requirements.
Gorgeous little lantern flowers, but unfortunately they hang down so are hard to view. 
The shrub is about 1.5m high at the moment, but was about 2m when I cut it back, could be a tree for all I know!
This picture shows how the flowers hang down
My blood lily leaves a getting ginormous!  I did photograph the flower, but with my other phone, that phone is mine no longer, so will have to wait til next year for their weird blooms again.
Haemanthus coccineus - blood lilly


  1. Hi Becc, you have me stumped on the id of this plant. Flower looks like Oenothera (Primrose family) and leaves look like Hibiscus. Can't wait to find out. Hope someone knows

    1. I originally thought hibiscus too when I first pruned it, but the flowers & the fact that's it actively growing at the moment have thrown me, Im sure someone will eventually enlighten me!

  2. Wow! This I have never seen before! Good luck with your research! It is a pretty little thing!!!!
